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All lectures include a trunk show to add to the fun

and are available in-person and live by ZOOM!

Prices start at just $250 for ZOOM lectures. 




This lecture and trunk show allows participants to see how yo-yos are made with a hands on demonstration as well as a discussion on the various methods that some people use to make them. Then we explore the many ways that yo-yos can be used on our quilts, clothing, and around our homes in non-traditional and traditional ways as well as hearing another name for this familiar little gathered circle. After this lecture, I hope you will find that these are fun to make and use to add texture and interest to your quilting projects.


Making It Your Own


"Making it Your Own/Put Your Personality In Your Quilts" is a look at how we can take a pattern - anyone's pattern - and make simple changes that will personalize it either for the maker or the recipient.  It is meant to help quilters think about how they can use that pattern that they really like and "tweak it" a bit to fit in their home or to make it the perfect gift for someone they know.  Sometimes by adding or subtracting just one simple element we can make something that totally suits our needs and showcases a bit of our personality at the same time.  This was how I got started with designing my own patterns.



Stitching in Public


"Stitching in Public" is a fun look at how people see our pastime as everything but what we are actually doing.  During this program I share the comments and thoughts of those that have "watched" me working on my quilts and patterns and decided to share their views on how these things can be accomplished easier/better.  The general public can be quite entertaining and really give you something to think about as you stitch.



A Look at Inspiration and What Designers Like to See


This trunk show lets you see how a designer comes up with ideas and what inspires us. It may also give you ideas of ways that you can use one of our designs to take a pattern further whether that means having a "pillow pattern" grow up to be the center of a quilt, or just changing the size of a motif to adapt it to your needs.



Please contact me with any questions or requests:  

Joy Duke

114 Roberta Drive

Hampton, VA  23666

(757)838-1043 (landline)



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